Pastor Steve Schell comprehensively teaches through entire books of the Bible pulling out the deep, eternal truths in each section of Scripture without skipping over challenging passages. These sermons will help foster true discipleship for the committed Christian, both young and old.

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
47 - Understanding Repentance
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
The subject of repentance tends to bring to mind certain troubling questions. We’re always grateful to hear the truth that God forgives us when we repent, but somewhere in the back of our minds questions may lurk about certain sins or passages of Scripture we’ve read which may have left us confused. Last week we asked the questions: What is repentance? How does God convict us of sin? And, if Christ died for me, why do I still need to repent? But this week we’ll look at some of the troubling questions that may come to mind when this topic is discussed. Our goal in exploring this subject further is to prevent the enemy from stealing our confidence in the power of Jesus Christ to forgive us. Frankly, there is nothing more important if we are to be bold in our prayers, step out in ministry or find the true inner peace we long for. Knowing the answers to the questions we’ll address today will help to prevent us from becoming either careless about our sins or overwhelmed with guilt.

Monday Jul 10, 2023
46 - Understanding Repentance
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Beginning at the moment a child first recognizes right from wrong each of us enters into a lifetime of choices: choices whether or not to tell the truth when the truth will get me in trouble; choices to be generous or selfish; choices to indulge harmful bodily impulses or control them; choices to let my temper flare or control it; choices to play by the rules or break them; choices to promote myself or others. Over time, my choices in these and other areas fall into habitual patterns which deepen until my essential character is formed. If I choose to repeatedly violate my conscience I become a person lacking integrity and the personality God intended for me withers and distorts. If I choose to repeatedly obey my conscience I instead become a person of high integrity and my God-intended personality emerges. This conscience, when healthy, is my ability to hear the inner promptings and warnings from God. Its voice grows stronger or weaker, louder or quieter, more calloused or more sensitive with the passing of time.
The Christian life begins with the decision to stop resisting the voice of God which has been speaking to us through the promptings of our conscience. Awakened by the Holy Spirit to the wrongness of my previous course of life I choose instead to submit future decisions to God. I pledge to choose obedience over rebellion, and to repent as soon as I recognize I’ve failed.

Thursday Jul 06, 2023
45 - The Day of Atonement
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Sometimes God’s grace may seem too good to be true. Our ears hear sermons and songs about His forgiveness, but doubts still linger in the back of our mind. Is that really the way God is or are people merely telling me what they hope is true? Maybe these promises of mercy have been taken out of context and really don’t mean what we think they mean. After all, it’s hard to believe anyone could forgive and forget things as awful as the ones I’ve done. So, as we look at the events which took place on the Day of Atonement those doubts should be answered once and for all. Using very powerful symbols God declared He would accept a substitute’s death, rather than punish those who repent and trust Him to forgive. That day declared that their sins would be “ransomed” and “carried away.” And when we turn to the New Testament we see that Jesus Christ was the One to whom those prophetic symbols pointed. The blood of bulls and goats was never intended to pay the debt humans owe to God (Heb 10:4). They were meant only as symbols reminding Israel that a day was coming when Someone would die for them, and also giving them the opportunity to hear and believe afresh. They became a focal point for Israel’s faith… just as the bread and cup do for us today.

Monday Jul 03, 2023
44 - The Power of Priesthood
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
God never asks us to do anything He will not empower us to accomplish. Christians are not simply people who are trying in their own strength to do good things for God. At least that is not what God intended. His plan has always been to work miracles through people of faith. In other words, He’s the One who does the real spiritual work. Our part is simply to obey. Not only did He give such power to the high priest of Israel, but now He intends to give it to the men and women who He’s called as priests of a new covenant. In fact, one of the most important gifts a Christian receives is the “promise of the Father.” Jesus repeatedly told His disciples to expect this blessing. And He said that when it came they would be transformed into people through whom God could minister miraculously. Just like Aaron the high priest those who followed Christ would be “anointed” with the Holy Spirit for priestly ministry. Yet because some have not been taught this truth they try to serve God without the supernatural support God has planned for them. Today we’ll start by looking at the ordination ceremony God designed for Israel’s high priest and then we’ll turn to the New Testament to hear His promise of a new ordination for those who believe in His Son.

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
43 - The Price of Priesthood
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
It’s beautiful to watch someone minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything seems to flow so easily and naturally, as if that man or woman effortlessly knew just what to say or do. But ministry is never as easy as it looks. There are many personal sacrifices and inner struggles that must take place before God can consider us fit for His service. Today as we look at the garments He designed for Israel’s high priest we’ll discover they were meant to be symbols which reminded the one wearing them of the price that had to be paid in order to serve as a priest of God. As we examine each of the seven articles we’ll be reminded of the price God still calls us to pay if we are to be in His service. In effect, every Christian has been summoned to be a “priest” of the living God (1Pe 2:5, 9; Rev 1:6), but sadly many refuse to put on the proper garments. Perhaps it’s because they decide the responsibilities are too great, or possibly they feel unworthy of such a role. But for those who do there is a “glory” and a “beauty” (v 2) with which God clothes them. And, of course, that’s why when they minister everything seems to flow so easily and naturally.

Monday Jun 26, 2023
42 - The Ark of the Covenant
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Now that Israel had entered into covenant with God He ordered Moses to prepare a portable tent so He could travel with the nation and dwell in their midst. But the tabernacle was not to be a normal tent. God designed it down to the smallest detail so it would teach His people essential spiritual lessons. In all there would be seven major pieces of furniture and each symbolized a truth about God, and the most important of these symbols was the Ark of the Covenant. Other objects in the complex would explain what God would do for His people and how they could draw near to Him, but the Ark with its mercy seat explained the heart of God Himself. Today we’ll look at this beautiful acacia-wood box and the gold plate resting on top of it and listen to its message. Then to confirm that we’ve interpreted these symbols correctly we’ll hear God describe Himself in His own words, first to Moses and then through His Son Jesus Christ. Then finally we’ll ask the question: What effect do these truths have on us personally as believers.

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
41 - The Tabernacle of God
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Rather than slowing down, the demands seem to be increasing. At times I look ahead at all I have to do and fear rises up telling me there’s no way I’ll have the strength to do what’s being asked of me. But more and more I also hear the Holy Spirit, just as the panic starts to accelerate, telling me, “Don’t look at all that’s ahead. Just take matters one at a time and turn to Me for help before you start each one.” When I obey this principle I am repeatedly amazed to find I have the strength I need to take the next step. Sometimes that strength arrives only minutes before I need it, but remarkably it does arrive. I think I’m learning what Paul meant when he said, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Php 4:13), and also why the Lord Jesus said, “…do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Mt 6:34). Basically God wants me to know He’s always there because He literally dwells within me. He isn’t a distant God, but His help and guidance are always near at hand.
No sooner had God made a covenant with Israel than He ordered Moses to “Let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them” (Ex 25:8). This was a portable tent which could be set up wherever the nation camped so God could dwell in the midst of His people. The construction of this tabernacle was the beginning of a great theme running through the Bible: The Lord wants to dwell in the midst of His people wherever they go. The more we learn about this truth, the more it will change our lives.

Monday Jun 19, 2023
40 - The Community of the Covenant
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
A covenant is fundamentally a commitment to a new relationship. After a covenant has been formed a brand-new relationship exists. Those who have taken part in the ceremony have been bonded together like the members of a family. And one of the most ancient ways of expressing this new level of love and trust was to eat a meal together. Somehow the very act of breaking bread together has always conveyed an acceptance of one another. When we eat a meal together we tend to relax, drop our defenses and open our hearts to one another. That’s why a powerful part of the covenant ceremony was the meal both parties ate together afterwards. It was a statement saying, “All our divisions and distrust are gone. Now we belong to each other like family.” In this sense forming a covenant was like adopting someone into your family.
At first glance the passage we’re reading today seems odd and out of place. What are these elders doing at the top of Mt. Sinai eating and drinking before God? But once we recognize this to be a normal part of ancient covenant ceremonies we discover a profound spiritual statement is being made: a new spiritual family has been formed with God as its Father. He has adopted Israel and committed to love them, and they have committed to love and be loyal to Him as well as to one another. So this strange meal on the mountain suddenly becomes a prophetic voice calling us today as the people of a New Covenant to truly be the family of God.

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
39 - More of God
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Verse 7: The prayer tent Ex 38:8 the women serving in hosts • Laver from their mirrors • “Hosts” military term: ranks

Monday Jun 12, 2023
38 - The Blood of the Covenant
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
What is a covenant?
- A solemn promise enforced by a curse one invokes on oneself. Obedience is also encouraged by promised blessings.
When did the Old Covenant begin?
- Previous covenants: Adam, Noah, Abraham
- But when we speak of the New Covenant this is the covenant which has been replaced.
- The nation of Israel entered into a covenant with God.
- “All that the Lord has spoke we will do and we will be obedient.”
What did the blood mean?
- Covenant: “May this happen to me if I should break this covenant” (Jer 34:18-20)
- Sacrifice: “This should have happened to me but God has mercifully allowed this animal to take my place.”
Was mercy available to those who broke the Old Covenant?
- Yes, for most sins but not for blasphemy, murder, adultery, kidnapping