Pastor Steve Schell comprehensively teaches through entire books of the Bible pulling out the deep, eternal truths in each section of Scripture without skipping over challenging passages. These sermons will help foster true discipleship for the committed Christian, both young and old.

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
15 - The Gift of Guilt
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
When I meet an unbeliever, I need to watch and listen in order to discern what kind of unbeliever that person is. Is this someone who has simply never heard? Is this someone who has heard but didn’t understand? Is this someone who has been taught a very distorted picture of Jesus Christ? In other words, is the “Jesus” they are rejecting the real one? Or is this someone who does know the truth but has simply chosen the world instead, or is so invested in the world (riches, pleasure, power) that they are willing to silence the voice of the Holy Spirit?
We tend to make blanket assumptions about huge groups of people. We level harsh judgments and write them off as “lost,” but the truth is each person is different. Yes, some are defiant and have rejected the true God, but others are genuinely ignorant. They don’t know what’s true, and may even have done horrible things thinking they were serving God.
The Bible says only God knows the human heart (1Sa 16:7). And today, as we listen to Peter appeal to a crowd gathered in the temple, we’ll hear him boldly confront them with their sin, but we’ll also hear him compassionately tell them he believes their hearts are still soft because they did what they did…in ignorance.

Monday Sep 18, 2023
14 - Anatomy of a Healing
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Healing is an emotionally-charged topic. There are people who believe healing is for today and those who don’t. There are people who have been healed and those who haven’t. There are people whom God has used to heal others, and those who’ve tried and “failed.” There are even people who’ve walked away from God because they sought healing for a loved one, but that person died. So, by just mentioning the topic, all sorts of emotions and memories come to mind.
I’ve been asking God to teach me to pray for healing ever since my aunt died when I was 13 years old. And I’ve learned some things over the years, but as time passes it seems the main lesson I’ve learned is how much I still don’t know. But I refuse to stop learning. I refuse to let the disappointments cause me to withdraw. I refuse to stop praying for the sick. I refuse to stop believing that God heals. Don’t get me wrong, I have been privileged to participate in many amazing healings. Some people say, “I’ve never seen a real miracle with my own eyes,” but I’ve seen many. I could spend hours telling story after story that are phenomenal. I mean ones that time and medical evidence have proved out. So it’s not that I doubt that God has the power. The real question for me is why some and not others. And I’m not comfortable with the answer that says God just doesn’t choose to heal some. Yes, I know there’s a time for everyone to die, but you’d have a hard time convincing me that some of those we’ve “lost” had arrived at their “time.”
Luke actually takes two chapters (Ac 3, 4) to discuss this one remarkable healing and the effect it had on the city. And he gives such detail, and quotes Peter so precisely, that he presents us with a case-study on healing. Profound insights are given about how the apostles approached healing, and even what took place inside the lame man himself. So let’s be open to learn. Let’s watch Peter model healing and then listen as he explains what happened.

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
13 - The Meaning of Baptism
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
We’re often told a person will be saved if they pray the sinners prayer. But that’s not true. Reciting a short prayer won’t save anybody. We’re often told if we raise our hands to receive Jesus we’ll be saved. But that’s not true either. And a lot of people have been misled into thinking they’ve done what it takes. The problem is that reciting a prayer or raising my hand can be done without really understanding what God requires of me. When I pray, I may not understand what I’m saying because words mean different things to different people. I can tell God I’m a sinner without knowing what a sinner is. Or tell Him I repent without a clue of what I just said I would do. And this type of shallow, uninformed invitation to follow Christ may be one reason so many people who say they’re Christians don’t act like it. Some hearts don’t seem to have changed. A person can become religious, but not more loving, self-controlled, forgiving, honest or pure than they were before. The only difference is, now they assume they’ll go to heaven.
Something is wrong with this picture. Something must be missing. As we look back at the early church we see people who became amazingly different. When they got saved their hearts changed. They lived lives that were a great witness. They were respected and admired, even by people who didn’t agree with them. Not that they became perfect, but they did become much more Christ–like. I believe a large part of the reason that their lives changed so dramatically was because they understood the cost of following Jesus before they were saved, and I believe water baptism played a big part in this. When they were baptized there was no mistaking what they were saying to God.

Monday Sep 11, 2023
12 - Koinonia
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
This is a very challenging passage. It describes people living out their faith in a way that is so different from our own experience that it leaves us confused or even suspicious. Their lifestyle was radical and we might feel the need to explain it away as an initial burst of enthusiasm which would soon be dimmed by the realities of life. I’ve even read someone who described it as a misguided attempt at communism. Almost everyone who comments on this passage assures us that we don’t have to follow in their footsteps, and, of course, they’re right. There is no law saying we have to live like that. But I think we make a terrible mistake if we simply dismiss this first expression of the church of Jesus Christ as a quaint experiment in naïve zeal. Persecution did arise almost immediately and some of what they did had to change, but some of the most disturbing parts of what we see in our forefathers and mothers not only didn’t disappear, but became vital to their survival. They deserve an honest hearing, after all. This is the church fresh from the hands of Jesus. This is what people who had talked to Him only days earlier thought He wanted. This is what they believed pleased Him. So, yes of course, it will look different today. It has to. But the deep principles they were living out ought not to change. Most have been forgotten over the past 2000 years, but maybe it’s time to remember them, and let them live again.

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
11 - Lord and Christ
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
If Jesus is Lord, why is there still so much rebellion? On that Pentecost morning Peter announced that Jesus is now seated at the Father’s right hand, and that the Father is bringing all of His enemies into submission to Him. Yet if we look around us we see a lot of spiritual warfare. The devil is still very active. The human race seems to be dividing and hardening in its attitudes. People are either for or against Him, with fewer and fewer undecided. There are places on earth where the number of people following Him is growing rapidly, but there are also places where an antichrist spirit appears to be taking hold. In our own culture there seems to be so much defiance of God’s moral standards, so much violence, so much dishonesty, so many false religions. And if Jesus is Lord, why does He allow all of this? Why doesn’t He force people to submit? The answer is that He will some day, but not yet. Believe it or not, all of this has been prophesied and is part of His plan. Yes, God has commanded all the world to surrender to His Son, but He still allows people to disobey that command. People can still choose to submit or rebel, and as troubled as these times may seem, millions are confessing Him as Lord every year. Yet the Bible tells us that as time goes on persecution and deception will increase, and fewer and fewer will believe. A day will come, somewhere in the future, when the last person willingly bows his or her knee. At that point the harvest will be complete and the Lord will return to the earth, and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father (Php 2:10, 11). But we’re not there yet. Even though we see this hardening taking place in our own country, many are still willing to repent and believe. So our assignment is to labor in this harvest field while it is still “day.”
“We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work” (Jn 9:4).

Monday Sep 04, 2023
10 - Peter’s Boldness
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
It’s almost like there were two men named Peter. The one we meet in the gospels is good-hearted, but often says the wrong thing at the wrong time. Only a few weeks earlier, that one fearfully denied to a servant girl he even knew Jesus. But on this Pentecost morning we’re listening to a very different man. This one has the courage to stand in front of thousands and tell them in unmistakable terms that they are morally responsible for killing the Messiah. Neither afraid nor angry, he says to them, “…you nailed Him (to a cross) by the hand of godless men (Roman soldiers) and put Him to death…” His boldness is remarkable. Today, this one will be so effective at presenting the gospel, 3000 people will repent and be baptized. The fearful, clumsy man who often makes us chuckle when we read the gospels has been transformed into a fearless, eloquent spokesman for His Lord. What happened? What changed Peter? We want to know because we want that same boldness for ourselves. We want to be able to speak when it’s time to speak. We want to be able to pray for someone when it’s time to pray. We want the courage to go someplace and serve when we’re called to go. We don’t want fear holding us back. So let’s find out what happened to Peter, so it can happen to us too.

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
9 - They Shall Prophesy
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
People don’t have to learn to be spiritual because essentially every one of us is a spirit. This is because God made us in His own image. Please notice, I’m not talking yet about people who are born-again. All human beings are spiritual, by virtue of the way God made them. People actually have to be taught not to be spiritual. In the secular western society in which we live each of us is trained to deny our spiritual tendencies from the time we are infants. We soon learn to ignore, ridicule, and even fear our spiritual capacities. This has created an odd culture, very much out of step with much of the rest of the world. Huge portions of the planet consider the spiritual dimension to be as real as the physical dimension, and they engage it daily, one way or another. But not us. Our religious history has soured us, and set us at war with God. Frankly, the most secularizing influence of all has been protestant Christianity. It laughs at the notion that a person today might hear from God. It’s filled with doubt and suspicion when confronted by a healing, a deliverance, or any other supernatural manifestation. All has become rational, psychological, scientific, deductive. It looks for a rational explanation for everything, and this has been going on, and getting worse, for hundreds of years. So, it’s not easy, even for western Christians, to hear Peter quote from the prophet Joel, and realize that we’re included in this promise. When he says, “…and they shall prophesy,” he means us!

Monday Aug 28, 2023
8 - Spiritual Language
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
As we read this passage we’re watching a new era begin. The relationship between God’s Spirit and His people has changed forever. Never before had the Holy Spirit been able to live inside the sin-contaminated bodies of believers. Never before was such intimacy with God possible to all of God’s people, not just a special few. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross, and His resurrection from the dead and His ascension into heaven radically changed things. His death actually cleansed our bodies and made them a suitable dwelling place for God. Now He is able to live inside us, and as you might expect when He arrives it produces some remarkable changes.
The first thing that happened on that Day of Pentecost was that each disciple began speaking in a language he or she had never learned. Luke says they spoke words which the Spirit gave them to speak out. Never before had there been such a miracle. There are numerous examples in the Old Testament of the Spirit coming upon people with the result that they spoke out prophetically in their own language, but never in a new, unlearned language. Why would God do such a thing?
Many conflicting answers have been given to this question, but Peter actually gives us his own, inspired, explanation. He says it’s a sign of the last days. He says it’s a fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. Let’s look more closely at this miracle of speaking in other languages.

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
7 - The Promise Arrives
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
So this is what Jesus meant when He spoke of the “promise of the Father” (Ac 1:4). Wow! What an amazing event! But, frankly, it’s so amazing that if I don’t understand what’s happening to these people I can easily end up in the same condition as the watching multitude: amazed and bewildered, which is to say, confused and frightened. Luke’s description of that Pentecost morning raises a lot of questions—questions I need answered if I’m to step forward and seek this baptism of the Holy Spirit for myself. So here’s what we’ll do today. First, we’ll examine the passage carefully to see what really took place. Then we’ll identify which promise was being fulfilled. Then we’ll ask the practical questions of what does God do to a person when they receive this gift. Then, let’s be very personal and ask what can I expect will happen to me if I receive it. And finally, let’s ask that nagging question that tends to linger in the back of our minds, can I really expect that God would give that same gift to me?
What happened?

Monday Aug 21, 2023
6 - Replacing Judas
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose Judas? It was a choice He made after intense prayer. Luke tells us, “He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. And when day came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also named apostles (Lk 6:12-16). Eleven of these worked out very well, but one ended badly. Does that mean a mistake was made? Did Jesus miss hearing God correctly on one name? Or, did God guide Him to select Judas so there would be someone among the disciples evil enough to betray Him?
This is much more than an academic question, because who among us has not earnestly prayed for guidance and chosen someone, believing we were following God’s will, only to have that person betray us, or fail miserably in some other way? And when that happens it raises deep questions about God. If He knows the future, and He does, then why would He lead us to choose people who turn out badly? Why didn’t Jesus choose someone else? Why do we at times make such terrible mistakes? Obviously, there’s no simple answer that applies to every situation, but the example of Judas does teach us a lot about God’s guidance if we’re willing to hear it. One of the men Jesus chose appears to have been an awful choice and this gathering of believers we’re reading about here is having to go through the process of replacing him.